Accommodations with Duncan Dynamics
Duncan Dynamics strives to make gymnastics as accessible as possible. As a not-for-profit, we face limitations from time to time, but we believe that open communication is the best way to tackle most delicate situations and accommodate the needs of our athletes and their families.
Providing accommodations does not mean that we will permit harmful, unsafe, or violent behaviour. DDGC will consider the mental and physical safety of everyone involved every time. If a gymnast is putting others at risk, we will reach out to the emergency contact on file to pick them up early. Depending on the severity or in the event of repeated occurrences, the gymnast will not be permitted to come back to the program, without any refund or credit.
Behaviour examples that will result in a call home for early pick up:
- Leaving the premises without a coach present.
- Leaving the group and interrupting other classes.
- Hitting, spitting, tripping, pulling, grabbing, shouting/screaming, gossiping or otherwise harming another person.
- Attempting to damage equipment (such as slamming doors, misuse of equipment, or by bringing food, markers, scissors, or similar kinds of items into the gym space).
- Regularly not listening to the coaches (often leading to some of the behaviours listed above).
Please be advised that these are examples and not a complete list of behaviours or reasons that could result in a parent being called to pick up their gymnast early.
There are a few different ways that DDGC offers accommodations for members and gymnasts.
Picking your preferred coach
While we are limited by coach availability and certification requirements, we include who is coaching which class in the program descriptions during registration so that you can try to stick with your favourite coach from season to season. This isn't always possible, such as when a gymnast is moving up to DynaGym and their favourite coach only instructs Active Start, though we have seen a lot of success when families get the chance to compare and choose.
Meet and greet
Sometimes, a gymnast just needs a chance to see the gym or what a class looks like to feel more confident going into class. Families are welcome to stop by the gym and look through the viewing windows anytime that we are open.
If a more thorough introduction is needed, we can arrange a short meet and greet with the coach so that you can review behaviour, triggers, and/or management tactics that are successful at home to be used at the gym. Meet and greets with coaches are decided by the class coach or head coach at their discretion if they feel it is necessary.
Registration assistance
Since registration needs to be done through an account, members can come to the office to get assistance with registration. Even if that means using the computer in our office, we are happy to help. We also provide walkthroughs on how to register using a computer or a phone, and we can assist over the phone, in person, and can give step-by-step instructions through email.
When registration opens, many classes can fill up fast, which means that we cannot guarantee that you will get a spot in a specific class day/time/or level.
Class type recommendations
When it comes down to it, sometimes certain types of programs just don't fit with a gymnast's needs. For example, our camps are jam-packed with activities and games which means that they often have a larger group of kids whereas our classes have a smaller ratio of kids to coaches so that each gymnast can get the focus and attention they need when developing their skills.
This accommodation is often the result of an ongoing process and discussion where the Head Coach and administration work together with the family as we try out different options that are available step-by-step and on an individual-need basis.
Payment Plans & Funding Accommodations
If a member is waiting on funding from a charity, waiting on a separate payment from a friend or family member, or needs to set up a payment plan to help them from falling behind, DDGC is happy to help coordinate.
- If you are waiting on Funding: Select E-Transfer as your payment method and email about who you are waiting on funding from.
- If you want someone else to be able to make a payment: A person can make a payment without needing access to your account by:
- Paying by debit, credit, or cash in the office: They tell us the amount they wish to pay and your name so we know what account to apply the payment.
- Paying by E-transfer: They can send the amount from their bank to and include your name or your gymnast's name in the message section.
- If you need to set up a payment plan: Email and let us know that you want to set up a payment plan and we will follow up with the next steps!
Allow time for planning
As a not-for-profit, we dedicate many of our efforts to keeping your costs as low as possible. One of the ways we can keep costs down is by planning ahead (and setting up our services in a way that allows our members and their families to plan ahead as well). Some of the things we have implemented in recent years include:
- Making classes visible before registration opens.
- Sending out member-wide registration letters before classes become visible.
- Creating an additional and final registration window called Waitlist Roundup to help families get into a class that meets their scheduling needs during registration times.
- Providing month-to-month updates on dates, events, and announcements with our Monthly Newsletter.
- Providing week-to-week updates through our Weekly Update! email list that any member can choose to join.
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