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DynaGym Classes


Once a gymnast turns 6 years old, they can move up to our DynaGym classes!

Each Dynagym class works on multiple "CanGym" levels and gymnasts can expect to stay within one of the three DynaGym levels for at least 1-2 years before moving up. As much as gymnasts might feel tempted to move up as fast as possible, it's better for gymnasts to stay within a level to master the skills they learn before moving on to the next, which means practice-practice-practice over time.

It's not about racing to the end but gaining the power and experience that comes from the journey.


DynaGym classes are prerequisite-based. Coaches will recommend whether a gymnast should move up or stay in their current class level at the end of the season when report cards are handed out. Please be advised that placement is not determined by parents but by the coaches of the club through in-class observation and assessment. 

How do I know what Level my child should go into?

  • If your child is under 6 years old, they are not ready for DynaGym classes yet, but we have Active Start programs for gymnasts between 1.5-5 years old. 
  • If your child is at least 6 years old, and moving up from Active start, brand new to gymnastics, or coming back after a break of 1 year or more, they should begin in the DynaGym 1 level. 
  • If your child is proficient in gymnastics or acro-related sports, or is moving over from another club, they may be able to jump to a higher level. To find out where your gymnast would best fit in this instance, send us an email to with a description of their experience and practiced skills and we will forward that to our Head Coaches who will then assess what class would be best for your gymnast to start in. Some parents have sent in short videos in the past that have always been very helpful to our Head Coaches.
  • If your child is currently in a class at DDGC, our coaches hand out report cards at the end of a season with placement recommendations after in class assessments.


DynaGym 1 - Introductory

A 1.5 hour beginner gymnastics class. We will work on all of the fundamental movement patterns while learning through games and fun activities. Gymnasts will start with basic skills and build their competence and confidence through consistent practice. All apparatus in the gym will be used including Vault, Bars, Beams, Floor and Trampolines.


DynaGym 2 - Intermediate

A 2 hour experienced/intermediate gymnastics class. DynaGym 1 is a prerequisite for this class. New gymnasts with previous experience may reach out to to see if they may be eligible to start at this level, depending on Head Coach Approval. Gymnasts will work to improve existing skills and build on their knowledge and capabilities while working to continuously master those essential fundamentals. We will provide a positive environment and teach through praise; Positive reinforcement and specific feedback to help gymnasts increase self-confidence and take pride in themselves. All apparatus in the gym will be used including Vault, Bars, Beams, Floor and Trampolines.


DynaGym 3 - Advanced

A 2 hour experienced/advanced gymnastics class. This class has DynaGym 2 as a prerequisite and gymnasts will continue to improve existing skills and build on their knowledge and capabilities. We will provide a positive environment and teach through praise. Gymnasts will continue with what they have been working on in previous levels to continuously work towards mastering skills. All apparatus in the gym will be used including Vault, Bars, Beams, Floor and Trampolines.


DynaGym 1,2,3

From time to time, we will offer classes that are specifically for an older age group. If your gymnast is between 11-15 years old, they may enjoy class more in a level geared more specifically for their age range. We can't guarantee that this option will be available every season, but if we can, there will be a plus symbol next to the classes that are for older gymnasts only.


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